Climate Sense
Climate Sense offers training, assessments, certification, and consultancy services that can help you and your organisation deliver the climate change resilient practices it needs in order to thrive in our uncertain future. Being resilient to climatic changes often feels like a new and additional challenge for your organisation, yet our dedicated experts have been working on this important agenda for over 30 years. We have been at the forefront of the most advanced developments on this important agenda.
Climate Sense has worked directly with 100s of organisations globally to improve their responses to a changing climate, and have reached thousands more through our extensive projects portfolio. This extensive experience has ensured our experts are among the best in the world.
Climate Sense are therefore delighted to be bringing their unique expertise into a partnership with L&DA. Merging our respective skillsets has allowed L&DA and Climate Sense to develop and deliver these revolutionary vocational training courses targeted at you and your organisation.
Our team of experts have been leading climate adaptation projects nationally and internationally across many sectors including: transport; water; flood and coastal risk management; energy; agriculture & forestry; spatial planning; health; local, national & regional government.
Learning and Development Associates
Advancing the Competence of the Water Industry
Learning & Development Associates (L&DA) was formed in 2016 with a vision to bring bespoke company-specific training to the Water & Environmental sectors.
Focussing on people and process, L&DA has brought its skills, its technical expertise and its extensive consultant network to provide advice, direction and positive learning interventions to the Water & Environmental sectors.
Utilising specialist educational design, training delivery, project management, assessment and embedment of practical experience, our collective expertise and wider advisory services through our highly qualified team of Industry professional teachers we are able to translate an organisation’s requirements into appropriate, effective and long-lasting solutions.
L&DA are therefore delighted to be bringing their broader educational expertise into a partnership with world Climate Change experts Climate Sense. As the Climate Crisis worsens and the impact on the wider environment deepens then learners at all levels in all organisations will need to understand their changing roles and demonstrate competence in this, the most pressing of world priorities. Time is running out and addressing the knowledge and skills required to adapt to Climate Change cannot wait, the time is now.
The coming together of two highly respected organisations in their fields to offer the critically important nationally recognised educational training and qualifications in Adaptation to Climate Change is a first, both in the UK and globally.
We look forward to working with you.